About the project
As part of NCAD's Bureau+, we were asked by Dublin City Council and Smart Dublin to research kerbside usage in the city and ideate on how we might enable better understanding of kerbside priorities. Our team looked into delivery and loading bay demands and landed on the idea of Light Loading.
Light Loading aims to regulate the use of established loading bays through the use of ANPR technology. It also allows for flexible spaces on demand to keep up with the needs of the city.
Final Prototype
Light Loading uses a bollard equipped with an ANPR camera. As shown in the video above, delivery companies can register their vehicles on the Light Loading website, giving them access to the established loading bays. Should a vehicle that is not registered on the website park in the loading bay for more than 5 minutes, their registration plate is flagged and they are sent a fine in the post. 
The lighted overflow bays turn on when all established bays in a 5 minute walking distance are full. These stay lit while the bays are full and stay on for 15 minutes after they clear to allow drivers to finish using the space. This idea aims to prevent misuse of loading bays, prevent delivery drivers from circling to find a space and provide flexible spaces when they are most needed.

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